Thursday, March 09, 2006

from the desk of Charles Alexander

"If you haven't made plans for next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (March 14-16) yet, I ask you to consider attending the events featuring poets Simon Pettet, Annie Guthrie, and David Abel. In addition to these three, an ensemble of Tucson poets and others, including (but not necessarily limited to) Dawn Pendergast, Jimmy Lo, and myself, will perform works from the scores of Jackson Mac Low, one of America's great avant-garde poets and creators of performance works. Mac Low died in December 2004, but his work definitely lives on, including in the book DOINGS, a gathering of his performance scores and instructions published in 2005 by Granary Books.

I look forward to seeing many of you at these events.

Tuesday, Marcy 14, 8pm: Reading at Cushing Street Bar & RestaurantWednesday, March 15, 7pm: Performance Works at Dinnerware Contemporary Art
Thursday, March 16, 7pm: Conversation with the Poets at Casa Libre en la Solana

For more information email me back or call 520-620-1626 in Tucson."

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