Monday, July 24, 2006


Of the twenty-four Swearengen quotes Michael has posted over at his blog, here is my favorite thus far:

"Pain or damage don’t end the world, or despair, or fuckin’ beatings. The world ends when you’re dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man—and give some back."

Somehow, I think, this statement fits into my notion of the poetics of violence, but I haven't yet fully assimilated it.

On a side-note, I'm feeling like this season of Deadwood is much more distended in terms of its plot than the past two. Aside from the first episode and the brilliantly gorey Dan Dority fight three weeks ago, the season has felt something like one long suspended set-up for the finale--perhaps because I recently watched the first two seasons on DVD over the span of less than two weeks. This isn't a bad thing, but it's hard to see where all the story-lines are headed. I'm purposely avoiding the historic record for insight.


  1. Though I agree on the feel of this season in comparison to the first two, the first five episodes of season 3 were brilliant insofar as their writing (which is really why I watch the show, though the acting is certainly extraordinary). These past two episodes have been less great, feel like they're, yes, ways to keep the plot moving toward a showdown with Hearst. Plus, where's the sitdown between Swearengen, Wu, and Hearst? Plot points come up then are quickly dropped, the nature of a show written on the fly, but always things wrapped back around. Hope it picks back up again, but maybe this was the point when Milch and HBO were figuring out if the show was going to be renewed? Cool to see that the Earps are coming to town though.

  2. Lest everyone think I examine these episodes like the Zapruder film to find the quotes: you can get full transcripts of every episode at the following website, prepared by one Cristi H. Brockway, who uses closed captioning to help her. They're not 100% accurate and always include typos due to the fact that she turns 'em around in 48 hours from the episode's airing, but they're pretty damn close to perfect, with commentary too. Wish I could find an email address to thank her.

  3. What I just realized is how the time span within the show per episode is usually a 24 hour period, somtimes less. Thus the sit-down with Wu and Hearst may only have been raised a few days ago within the chronology of the show. But I think you're right--the negotiations for season 4 seem to have stalled the show a bit. I can't imagine two two-hour movies to wrap it all up. I'm also quite intrigued by the introduction of the Earps. Like I said, I'm doing everythin in my power to avoid reading the historical record. And am I hallucinating, or is Swearengen making eyes with the actor played by Chris Cox? What's the deal with that relationship--it's probably the most mysterious thus far.

  4. Yeah, it is mysterious. One theory I have is that Al and Jack have worked together to pull scams, and that Jack's more dangeous than he's letting on. But then he could just be the civilizing force that Al is looking for. (I felt the Gustave character plays a similar role.) Or they could both be raging queens.

    I take back what I said about last Sunday's episode (#7). I'm watching it now and it's more riveting. The writing and the acting are much more nuanced than I realized. Gerald McRaney is fantastic as Hearst.

  5. He is pretty fantastic as Hearst. Who would have thunk that Major Dad could pull it off.

    There was an episode towards the beginning where Al admonishes one of the women for losing her "technique." I think it was during that episode where he soliloquized, again, about his mother and her abandonment.
    My theory about Jack (since he looks a bit older than Al) is that he saved Al from his orphanage back in the day. There's a fatherly warmness / tenderness between them, but also something slightly sexual.

    But, yes, I think the civilizing aspect of Jack is right on. In fact, there was just a Deadwood behind the scenes promo during which Chris Cox talks about his character and what he represents. It's short--maybe 2 or 3 minutes at the most. If you watch HBO as much as I do, you might catch it tonight, or in the coming days.

  6. You're welcome. =)

    And typos? I don't make no stinkin' typos. ;^)

