Thursday, April 12, 2007

Otherhow Now Available

A huge thanks to Justin Marks over at Kitchen Press who's put together yet another beautiful chapbook. If you haven't seen it yet, drop on in to the Kitchen Press Bookstore and pick up a copy of Otherhow.


  1. Anonymous2:59 PM

    geez it's quiet around here? What's up with everybody? No-one's writing anymore? hope you are well...miss you.

  2. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Hi, this may seem weird to you but I was wondering if I could email you to ask you questions about the University of Arizona MFA program. I have been accepted to the program and I am trying to decide whether I should attend or whether I should stay in France (I have been living in Lyon for the past year). Also, I checked out your profile and you have good taste in music. My name is Jessi Wilsona nd my email address is . Please send me an email if you dont mind my interrogating you about UA.

  3. Anonymous5:03 PM

    You know what's funny, I just realized that my sister's baby daddy used to say "I can't see it any other how," all the time! And he meant it. I mean, he wasn't trying to be clever. That's how he said it. You know? Got to get me a copy!!! How are you otherhow?
