Friday, March 14, 2008

All Arizona Artists--Important

Take Action Now- Contact your Senators to Vote No on SB 1330 !
URGENT! SB 1330 – is going to the Senate floor for a vote of the full Senate – we must STOP this bill by asking Arizona Senators to vote NO!
Bill would reduce Arizona Commission on the Arts grant funds by 40%

Senate Bill 1330 proposes a permanent reduction to the Arizona Commission on the Arts grants budget of 40 % (approx. $1.6 million annually). SB 1330 proposes the transfer of Arts Trust Fund receipts that the Commission has received since 1989 to the Department of Mines for safety issues surrounding abandoned mines. The bill passed out of the Senate Appropriations Committee Call on March 11, 2008 (this committee is chaired by the bill sponsor, Senator Bob Burns). We knew the votes were against us – and we did speak on behalf of the arts and against the bill. TIME FOR ACTION ------ NOW it is time to let every Senator in Arizona know how strongly you feel about this attempt to decimate arts funding in Arizona. Call and/or Email your Senator and Senate Leadership and ask them to vote NO on Senate Bill 1330. 1) Contact your State Senator and all Senate Leadership: 2) After sending your message, find your Senators phone number by clicking here:

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