Wednesday, March 26, 2008

O one, O none, O nobody, you . . .

Johannes Göransson of Action Books answers some of his students' questions on small press publication.

"And then there is another death, which is the one that cannot not happen to language because of what it is, that is to say: repetition, slide into lethargy, mechanization, etcetera. The poetic act thus constitutes a kind of resurrection: the poet is someone who is permanently involved with a language that is dying and which he resurrects, not by giving it back some triumphant aspect but by making it return sometimes, like a specter or a ghost: the poet wakes up language and in order to really make the "live" experience of this waking up, of this return to life of language, one has to be very close to the corpse of the language. One has to be as close as possible to its remains . . . The poet is someone who notices that language, that his language, the language he inherits . . . risks becoming a dead language again and that therefor he has the responsibility, a very grave responsibility, to wake it up, to resuscitate it . . . neither as an immortal body nor as a glorious body but as a mortal body, fragile and at times indecipherable, as is each poem by Celan. Each poem is a resurrection, but one that engages us with a vulnerable body that may yet again slip into oblivion. I believe that in a certain way all of Celan's poems remain indecipherable, keep some indecipherability, and this indecipherability can either call interminably for a sort of interpretation, a resurrection, new breaths of interpretation or fade away, perish again." --Derrida on Paul Celan

A review of CD Wright's latest--One Big Self: An Investigation.

Cystic Fibrosis Fact: Poor growth is a hallmark of CF. Children with CF typically do not gain weight or height at the same rate as their peers, and occasionally are not diagnosed until investigation is initiated for poor growth. The causes of growth failure are multi–factorial and include chronic lung infection, poor absorption of nutrients through the gastrointestinal tract, and increased metabolic demand due to chronic illness.

Elizabeth Willis poems over at the Boston Review.

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