Tuesday, June 30, 2009


The debut issue of CUE online, guest-edited by Mark Horosky, is now available for your reading pleasure and includes new work by Elizabeth Willis, Richard Siken, Matt Hart, Sarah Manguso, Tony Mancus, Dorothea Lasky, Tim Peterson, Reb Livingston, Chaz McCallahan, Mathias Svalina & Julia Cohen, and Jason Labbe.

As we move forward, CUE will be open to all types of poetry (prose and otherwise) but will skew toward work that emphasizes sound, word play, and the more material aspects of language.

For those of you with blogs, I hope you'll help us spread the word. For those of you with journals of your own, I hope you'll consider linking us to your website. Favors we'll reciprocate in kind.

In the coming weeks and months I'll be tinkering with the site a bit, adding a links section of our own, posting reviews and interviews as they become available.

Expect new issues to go up every 3–4 months.

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